Lower back pain affects more 50% of women during some stage of their pregnancy. For some, the pain is so severe that it limits their ability to perform everyday tasks. It is usually aggravated by movements such as bending, standing up, or sitting down. A Raleigh chiropractic clinic provides safe, drug-free therapies to alleviate pain, allowing women to maintain active lifestyles throughout their pregnancies.
There are two main causes of back pain during pregnancy. The weight of the developing baby changes the mother?s center of gravity toward the front. This increases the curvature of the spine and strains the muscles supporting it In addition, hormonal changes loosen the ligaments supporting joints in the pelvis. These unstable joints often become inflamed, leading to pain in the lower back and buttocks.
The chiropractor gently returns the spine and pelvis to the correct alignment using precise manual adjustments that target the sources of pain. Tightened back muscles are released with a relaxing massage. Other non-invasive, drug-free therapies are also utilized, depending on the patient?s individual needs.
Discomfort during pregnancy can often be reduced by improving posture. Patients at the clinic are instructed in ways to hold their bodies in order to minimize back strain. They are taught the best positions to adopt when sitting, standing, or lying down. They are also shown how to achieve lumber support with a cushion or towel.
The chiropractor is concerned about her patients? overall wellness throughout pregnancy. She provides them with stretching exercises and simple techniques to help reduce stress. She also offers advice on nutrition and dietary supplements.
Following the birth, lower back pain gradually subsides as weight is rebalanced and the ligaments in the pelvis regain rigidity. However, problems such as muscle aches or stiff joints may persist for up to eight weeks after delivery. Continuing care at the Raleigh chiropractic clinic ensures that new mothers remain happy and healthy.
Raleigh chiropractic care alleviates lower back pain naturally and safely. You will find more information about Corrective Chiropractic at http://www.corrective-chiropractic.com now.

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